Top 10 Security Best Practices for Developers

December 29, 2022

As developers, we have a responsibility to build and maintain secure systems and applications. To help you do this, here are the top 10 security best practices that every developer should follow:

1. Keep software up to date

Outdated software is often vulnerable to security threats, so it's important to regularly check for and apply updates. This includes operating systems, libraries, and any other software that is used in your applications.

2. Validate and sanitize user input

Improperly validated or sanitized user input can lead to security vulnerabilities such as SQL injection attacks. To prevent these types of attacks, it's important to properly validate and sanitize all user input.

3. Use encryption

When transmitting or storing sensitive data, it's important to use encryption to protect it from unauthorized access. This can include things like encrypting passwords when storing them in a database, or using SSL/TLS to encrypt data transmitted over the internet.

4. DO NOT Hardcode sensitive information

Hardcoding sensitive information such as passwords or API keys into your applications. This can be a security risk because if someone gains access to your source code, they will also have access to this sensitive information. Instead, it's better to use environment variables or a configuration file to store sensitive information. And never commit these files to source control (git).

5. Implement access controls

Properly implement access controls to ensure that only authorized users can access certain resources. This can include setting up user accounts and permissions, as well as implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms.

6. Follow secure coding practices

Adhere to secure coding practices such as input validation, proper error handling, and avoiding the use of hard-coded credentials.\

7. Use a security testing tool

Utilize a security testing tool to scan your application for vulnerabilities and help identify potential security issues.
Examples of security testing tools include:

8. Conduct regular security reviews

Regularly review your application's security posture to identify and address any potential vulnerabilities.

9. Use a password manager

A password manager can help you generate strong, unique passwords for all of your accounts, making it harder for hackers to compromise your accounts.

10. Stay informed about security threats

Stay up to date on the latest security threats and best practices by regularly reading security-related news and articles.